Thursday, 17 May 2012

Romania- M-e dor tara mea(I miss country)

Our song is a "lesson" teached by our kids letting them know how beautiful is our country( we have beauties, seasides, mountains, everything) and we know wherever we are,whatever we do we'll always come back Romania, missing our lands.


Michael said...

Hello Corina, and all the team from Romania!

What a lovely song about your country! I really enjoyed the pupils performing this in the classroom!

Good luck in the voting next week, from me in Scotland.

Ursula + Maria said...

Your country and your song is really nice.
Good luck from Austria

Marek Fularz said...

Hi Corina,
Toate cele bune din Polonia.

Anonymous said...

Foarte bine! Salut din Chernauti, Uckraina.

remi said...

A very nice song!
Good luck from B&H

Dave Schrauwen said...

Hi Romania,

What a funny teacher you have their in front of your class!

I liked the song very much! I don't know what it all means, but I have a Romanian student, so she can explain me very well, tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing this video with us and good luck on the voting!

Kind regards,

Dave from Belgium

Dave Schrauwen said...

Hi Romania,

What a funny teacher you have their in front of your class!

I liked the song very much! I don't know what it all means, but I have a Romanian student, so she can explain me very well, tomorrow!

Thanks for sharing this video with us and good luck on the voting!

Kind regards,

Dave from Belgium

Svetoslava Georgieva said...

Just beautiful! Good luck!;)

ioana said...

Eu cred ca se putea mai bine de atat.....poate puteati sa luati muzica usoara in loc de muzica dasta dar sa stiti ca nu este rau....pwpiciii din BELGIA!!!!:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*

Rosa Delia DPS_teacher said...

Very beautiful melody. It's so sweet!
Good luck from Canary Islands, Spain.

valerie canty said...

Hi Romania !
It's a lovely song!!
Good luck from France!