Thursday, 17 May 2012

Croatia - Mali bratec Ivo (Litle brother Ivo)

Hello from Virje Croatia!
This year we have a traditional children's song.
Song talks about brother and sister who go to the garden and shake the apple tree and eat apples!


Michael said...

Hi Darko, and the rest of the Croatian team!

A very nice song, which tells a lovely story. Thank you! My wife watched the teachers at the end, and recognised some of the words (she's Russian) that they were saying, explaining the story of the song.

Good luck in the voting.

Ursula + Maria said...

We also like the story of your song :)) Good luck from Austria

Marek Fularz said...

Hi Darko, did you play giutar?
Sve najbolje iz Poljske :)

Irina said...

A lovely and lively song!Really enjoyed watching it!
Good luck from Russia!

remi said...

Hello Neighbours,
We like your song very much!
Good luck from B&H

Dave Schrauwen said...

Hi Croatia,

Great traditional Croatian song!

Good luck from Belgium!


Svetoslava Georgieva said...

The video is soooooo cute,love the music too!

Octavio Álamo said...

Enhorabuena Valsequillo: Una iniciativa como ésta recompensa el esfuerzo añadido de todos los pareticipantes introduciendo motivación y nuevos horizontes para el aprendizaje.
Octavio Álamo G.

Rosa Delia DPS_teacher said...

When I see apples and I remember that: "An apple a day, keep the doctor away"
I like the part in which children share their apples. Nice song.
Good luck from Canary Islands, Spain.

valerie canty said...

Nice song ! Good luck from France!

Anonymous said...

But it very much I loved it. Children sang very nicely.

Dominika Mazur